2007年12月31日 星期一
today.. when to look for bag with sheena, xmei and eve. went to woodlands then to bishan then to town. find find find.. still cannot find the bag i want.. irritating leh. got the design but no colour. RAH. after that went party world.
today last day of 2007!!!
sec4 ny life is probably one of my best.. and nychoir.. i can never forget it..
it all started in sec3, when everybody change classes. in the middle of the year, the whole class started to go into kpop. TVXQ, suju, and then slowly to others like CSJH, bigbang, kara and a whole lot more.. i still remember the times when the whole class watched videos together. and of course! teachers' day performance. perfect man.. and to miracle in sec4. all are happy memories.
sec4 the whole craze had been going on for half a year.. from sec3. but still.. it's still in the class.. of course it was one of the reasons why the class was so united. lifeskills camp.. class dance, 我要你的爱is such a success. we had nice teachers too! like mr tcl..
if not for this class i don't know how i would deal with the stress from all the work. i made some really good friends. really really good friends. like yen, eve, shiqi, jing, sheena and more.. they were someone i did not know at first, but it's so amazing we got so close.
not forgetting sfc.. where i made another bunch of really good friends. melt, ryn, jac unnie, lesley blahblahblah. it kind of got me out from my own world..
and for nychoir. from sec1 to sec4, every year was memorable.
sec1, first major event was laudatur voce. my first time in a concert. seniors were very nice and guided us along. then at the end of the year, it was the Prague trip. first time i went to Europe, and it was with nychoir. had lots of fun there. and the weather was nice. here i got very close to yingting and of course, gloria.
sec2, first syf with nychoir. we trained very hard. with the scoldings we had when we were really down, we tried really hard to climb back to the top. finally a gold with honours. it made me so happy. and i realised how wonderful nychoir really is. then, the trip to malaysia. another good bonding session..
sec3, cosibello.. we were seniors already, and had to work extra hard. though it was not as good as we expected, we were thankful for it. really thankful. though no overseas trip, but it was still as fun.
and of course. sec4, last syf with nychoir. we wanted it to have a very good ending. we worked so hard. and we got what we wanted. i still remember the time when they announced the results. it was really shocking.. another gold with honours i will never forget.
and of course all the mini and big performances we had.. cca orientation, FOA in sec1, nanyang family concert and more.. all are memories i will never forget, and will always keep, like the scores of the songs i learn these four years.
time flies so fast, and now i've graduated. i will miss nychoir alot alot, and my batchmates, and seniors, and juniors.
and and and.. RED ALERT. how we met was amazing. and how we rocked the stage was amazing too. same passion, same goal. regina, yt, glor and wingyan. thank you so much. not forgetting magdalene. thanks for everything..
lastly, EMAX.. eve, melt, ace.. i love this group alot. now we only have three songs.. and we are going to have more right! fighting!
now my resolutions.
1. get good grades.. means study hard!
2. manage my money well...
3. have fun in jc!
4. everybody to be happy!
5. everybody to be healthy!
6. rioHC to shine!
7. go korea, japan FREE AND EASY
i really cant think of anymore resolutions. basically.. let 2008 be a better year.
next year is going to be a busy year.. but im rather looking forward to it.
still finding;
anyways.. went out with lesley (sha de) and xinmei today.. amber pangseh-ed us..
went tanjong pagar to find the korean mart.. is really korean open one leh! then went subway before going suntec marina square to walk walk..
today was fun!!
KBS gayo daejun now.. and i cant watch.. i shall try to dl it when it comes out on cb..
and guess what.. TOP and SEUNGRI are all not ok.. TOP is hospitalised..
bigbang needs a rest.. both Seunghyuns... GET WELL SOON OK!! i will pray for the both of you!
still finding;
2007年12月28日 星期五
i got my The Refreshment from Adeline today! YAY thank you so so so much! i love it alot.. but they.. they.. make me walk all the way from hc to ny leh! somemore the bag very heavy. irritating..
3 more days.. and it will be 2008
and i'm going to start listing my resolutions soon! haha..
still finding;
2007年12月27日 星期四
met at amk hub. where i saw a lot of people.. jingyu sheena and JAC UNNIE!!!
unnie can't talk to me online as often le.. cus she got projects to do.. :(
xinmei had a new camera. i want one too!! rah.. then went thomson plaza.. cus lesley had dental. waited for her.. and i saw magdalene.. haha.. xinmei started taking random pictures.. after that went bishan to meet amber...
haha dunno what to say liao.. but today is a happy day!!
still finding;
2007年12月25日 星期二
i'm back from chalet..
yesterday's christmas party was fun! not going to say everything out here.. just go read the blogs of others who went.. haha.. i'm lazy!
anyways.. not in very good mood now..
just watch bigbang's latest perf.. no seungri.. equals to weird..
still finding;
2007年12月22日 星期六
ok i shall not talk about the whole trip.. just parts of it cus most are boring.
first day.. junsu's birthday! ok that's not exactly the point. the point is, when i reached shanghai and walked to arrival hall i see alot of orange balloons.. and a lot banners.. means got shinhwa leh!!!!!!
but i didn see them..
next thing.. i saw hankyung on tv.. haha.. i wasn hoping to see any korean stars on tv in china hotel but i was switching channels and i saw him!!!
ok anyways.. bought a lot of stuff.. cds.. clothes.. books.. and _____ for adeline.. haha i shall not say...
that's about all.. pictures up SOON
still finding;
2007年12月15日 星期六
oh ya..
soon it will be jaejin's birthday...
okay.. byebye..
see you 8 days later. ^^
still finding;
2007年12月14日 星期五
it's golden disk now..
and i saw some caps of it.. omg.. FT ISLAND'S outfits are SO NICE..
let's see...
Bonsang for album sales:
Epik High
Super Junior
Shin Hye Sung
SG Wannabe
Big Bang
Bonsang for digital sales:
Wonder Girls
sgwannabe won daesang.. wth..
but ivy won daesang too!! yay.. (actually i'm not too sure.. =x)
snsd won newbie if i'm not wrong..
ryeowook plays the piano for marry u perf!! i want the white piano..
and shiwon playing drums.. O.O
some unknown person playing double bass..
omg.. kibum's super shuai in the perf..
ok i gtg...
still finding;
2007年12月13日 星期四
no computer.. no internet..
people must miss me okay! must must must..
i shall take all my nanren with me =x
i'm in love with evergreen
still finding;
2007年12月11日 星期二
i'm so happy now.. i miss her alot.. today went out with xinmei, eve, sheena and jing.. went to play pool first, but only for awhile.. then went Lot 1 to meet eve and sheena.. walked around lot 1, without deciding where to go.. bought nail polish! i will do my nails tml.. haha.. then decided go The Central.. so sheena and jing went home.. cus they thing it's to far for them.. at The Central, walked around.. the place is like a maze... xinmei went to do manicure.. then ate dinner.. today.. nothing interesting.. HAIZ... cake baking tomorrow!!! i love cake baking days..
LOOK AT THIS!!! (sorry the picture's abit blur.. my phone camera sucks) CLARE UNNIE REPLIED MY LETTER!!!
still finding;
2007年12月10日 星期一
LOVES = melt, shuting, lesley, amanda, xinmei
haven't gone out with them for a long long time..
supposed to meet at cityhall at 12.. i was a bit late.. but in the end, I WAS THE EARLIEST -.- went polar to watch xinmei eat.. (at that time.. it was me and shuting and xmei). not long later, amanda and melt came.. lesley latest. haha after that went suntec to eat macdonalds.
LESLEY! i didn't know you have such a unique way of eating.. lol..
while eating, we had this crazy idea.. to go paya lebar to do extensions. and guess what. WE REALLY WENT.
when we reached paya lebar it was raining.. so we walked in the rain until one bus stop. only then xinmei and melt took out their umbrellas. melt and lesley shared one and me shuting amanda and xmei shared one..
reached the place.. lesley went to do hers first. she ended up with lots of colours. one blonde strand at her fringe, five red strands around her head and then two brown strands.. shuting did red strands too, to add on to her brownish blond strands she had at first. xinmei had purple strands, melt had purple and purplish red which cannot be seen. amanda didn't do.
and me? i have two purple strands!!! i love purple now.. and i'm kind of addicted to extensions.. IF ONLY MY HAIR WAS LONGER...
ok so after that went to heeren.. had to walk to mrt in the rain. this time, shuting and lesley shared one, me and xmei shared one. melt and amanda decide to sacrifice and walked in the rain.
took neoprints at heeren! there was this small tv playing PEACH!! haha.. anyways after i went home, because i can't stay out too late... why? because i'm going overseas soon..
i love this group of people. i always had fun when i'm out with them.
mummy didn't scold me when she saw my extensions. she asked me how much it costed, and then guess what she said.
"you never wash your head la?" -.-
oh ya. after wearing the sneakers out today, i had blisters.. RARH
day out again tomorrow.. with.. loves.. lol.. different ones..
baking day on wednesday..
day at jac unnie's house on thursday.. and...
day out with ryn on friday.. AND
fly fly at night.. lol..
what i thought to be previously proved to be wrong today. thanks to today.. my worry disappeared..
still finding;
2007年12月9日 星期日
i'm all alone today wrong. now there's xinmei with me..
no jac unnie to accompany me. she's busy studying for her exams. jac unnie.. must jiayou okay? i give you moral support.
i'm leaving for shanghai in like 5 days. and i will only be back on the 22nd.
people who needs to find me can message me. i will be bringing my phone there. but i will not reply you. it's expensive..
anyways, i will miss alot of people.. hope i can buy lots of stuff there...
still finding;
2007年12月7日 星期五
walked the whole of jurong east central.. then to imm, where i bought ALL my stuff..
let's see.. converse sneakers, running shoes, and pencil case.. and i spent a total of.. $153.80. i think the first time i spent so much money in one shot can!!
but i'm happy with my purchases!!! yay..
going China in one week's time.. if lucky, i can bring laptop there.. if not.. NO COMPUTER FOR ONE WEEK...
still finding;
2007年12月4日 星期二
the movie was just so nice! and very funny.. Lee Byung-hun only came out for a few minutes and then he disappeared.. so poor thing.. haha..
but the funny parts were really very funny.. everybody was laughing like mad. after movies we just stood around and talk.. i had fun suan-ing jac unnie!! haha..
oh ya, during the show they keep showing Themis.. suddenly i felt that Themis was very special.. and i admire her a lot.. she in greek mythology, is the personification of the divine rightness of law..
maybe that's why i love detective shows or investigation shows so much.. haha..
no more choir for the next two weeks.. so sad..
still finding;
2007年12月1日 星期六
okay not very short la.. but it's just not long enough to be tied.
still finding;
the girl
junhan gege| jinhwee| wingyan| regina| rebecca| me| my cy| old blogolde stuff